Merhaba; 25 yil once restorasyonuna baslanmis tarihi bir binaya yerlestim, sanatci ve sanat yatkini, hayvansever, yardimsever, birlik, beraberligi icsellestirmis degerli ev arkadaslarimi ariyorum.
komün hayati mumkun, tum sureclerimi instagram sayfamiz ve youtube’den inceleyebilirsiniz.
Yenikapi marmaray ile her yere ulasilabiliyor ve tam merkezdeyim, kiliseler, camiler, surlar, meyhaneler, yuzlerce kediler. Bir kedim me’niche, yeni bir kopegimiz şems var. Buyursunlar.
ig. Ariarthostel.
ig. Nerdemre.
fazlaca odam var, sanatcilar icin atolye / studyo yapmaya uygun odalarimiz, her katta banyo, tuvalet, bir cok ortak alan, yoga / yemek odasi / mezat / bar / bahce / cati katimiz mevcut. Bunyemizde her alanda egitim vermeye baslayacak sanatcilarimiz, dil ogretmenlerimiz var. Sanat ile yatip sanat ile kalkacagiz, her yeni gunde.
ari emre.
#kolektif @ariartkolektif.
@ariarthostel #hostel sehir disindan ve yurt disindan sanatcilari agirlayacagimiz bir hostel katimiz var, sadece bize acik meyhanemiz, pikaplarimiz, plaklarimiz, ve bolca sevgi saygimiz var.
#komün #yaşam #mümkün #kolektifbilinç #kolektifhouse #sanatevi #sanatçikonukevi #hostel #evarkadaşlarım #yenidostlarim #multidiciplinaryart
1500 tl / 500 m2 - commune / collective life at samatya old city in restored building (samatya ıstanbul).
i am ari emre, just rented a place at samatya, in old city, around city center, samatya, yenikapi (1.2 km), kazliçeçme (1.5 km); (marmaray) in old town, couple.
minutes to marmaray, center of the city, in the castle, very spiritual.
trying to find people living and sharing with me everything, about art, life, books, animal needs.
İ am looking for my new house mates, who is into arts and sharings, care animals, enjoy this life.
Please check my progress on my accounts on instagram and yoututube, we may discuss then.
For better life, it’ s possible;
meet with me, in person, we will discuss details.
All included, electricity, gas, internet, rooms, washing and drying machines,
and it’ s all about art, artists, people looking for art, seeking communityb life (komün yaşam)
i will try my best,
please; before;
check my acounts;
ig: ariarthostel.
www. İnstagram. Com/ariarthostel.
www. Youtube. Com/theemre91.
www. Ariarthostel. Com (directed to my youtube channel, which has all the progress from january from the first day i found the house)
looking for artists, art related people, sharing this experince together.
linkedin: ari emre kurtay.